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A Special Opportunity to Experience the


Machu Picchu

September 15 - September 25, 1997

Only $2,699 from Miami


An Optional Journey to Lake Titicaca will be available

September 25 - September 28

Only $620

September 15, Home/Lima: Depart from your home to arrive in Miami sometime before 4:00 p.m. EST. Check in at FAUCET AIRLINES ticket counter as soon as you arrive. Meet Kollarimaq at the departure gate. Then we will depart from Miami and arrive in Lima. Welcome to Peru! We'll travel to the hotel and check in. Sweet dreams!

September 16, Lima: After a late breakfast, we will travel by bus to the Pachacamac Ruins, south of Lima. Pachacamac is a fascinating ancient Temple and Oracle nestled on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. This ancient sanctuary is dedicated to God, the Creator ("the Maker of the Universe"). Here we will find the Temple of the Sun, Moon and Women, created by a pre-Inkan civilization. Amidst these powerful Temples, we will begin our sacred journey with a Heart Circle Ceremony.

September 17, Lima/Cusco: An early morning flight takes us to Cusco, the Holly city, and capital of the Inkan Empire. Cusco, the Navel of the Earth according to the Inkas, is situated 12,000 feet high in the Andes Mountains. We will then rest in order to acclimate ourselves to the elevation. In the afternoon we will meet with Orko Waranka, who is an Andes Priest heir of the Inkan Tradition. A humble and beautiful being, he carries the special gift of being able to speak directly to the Apurunas. Waranka will be accompanying our group during the next days and, assisted by Kollarimaq, will guide us through different levels of spirituality. They will teach us the Wisdom of the Inkas and how to connect with the Spirits of the Andes. Today we will learn about the Sacred City of Cusco and be introduced to the Apus ("Mountains Spirits that are the Guardians of this Area"). Waranka will also open the doors of the Inkan Occultism to us. Our gathering will prepare you for the great initiation, the transfer of power, the plantation and fructification of the Inka seed, and the journey from light to enlightenment.

September 18,Cusco: After many beautiful dreams and a good breakfast, we will be guided to the special sites around Cusco where the Karpay Ritual ("Road of Initiation in the Inkan Tradition") will take place. As the Ritual requires, we will greet the Apus and receive their blessings. During today's ritual, we will learn a great deal about the Inkan way and experience the power of their temples, such as Tambo-Machay, Sacsayhuman, and Kenko.

September 19, Cusco/Ollantaytambo: We will journey by bus through the Sacred Valley of the Inkas and stop in many different places to enjoy the most beautiful view, while at the same time feed ourselves with the energy of this magical and sacred valley. Next, we arrive at the Ollantaytambo Village, where the streets and houses remain in the original Inkan structures. This village is located at the end of the Sacred Valley. In this place we will also find the 'Lemurian Temple of Love', which was known to the Inkas as the 'Temple of the Sun'. Here we will experience a profound energy (perhaps a pulsation or special vibration) somehow connected to the six enormous pink stones that were mysteriously transported to this place. Many people who have visited here have sensed that there is a strong UFO connection and/or contact with the Pleiades. To honor this energy, we will experience the Mark'ay Ritual, the way in which the natives hug the Gods/Goddesses and the Andes Entities. A free evening will be offered. Waranka will be available to those who would like a coca leaf reading. To the Andes people, the coca leaf is an Oracle. The Shaman connects with the spirits of these sacred leaves and delivers its message to us.

September 20, Urubamba/Aguas Calientes/Machu Picchu: In the early morning we will board a train to Machu Picchu. The breathtaking view of the Urubamba Valley, where time stands still, will be a special preparation for our arrival in the Sacred White Stone City, known as the Eighth Wonder of the World. After we check into our hotel in the Aguas Calientes Village, we will take our first journey to the Sacred City. Machu Picchu was a university where knowledgeable people practiced everyday spirituality. The fruits of their practice were power and enlightenment. As we are not a group of tourists but instead students of the ancient wisdom, our first entrance into Machu Picchu will be through the front door, the Machu Picchu Principal Entrance. The Tinkuy Ceremony ("Encounter with the Andes Gods and Goddesses") will help us to establish a bond with this Divine and Powerful Entity. At this moment, the Apus will speak to your soul, possibly giving you some answers as to why you have traveled so far to connect with it. In the late afternoon, we return to our hotel in Aguas Calientes. After dinner, in the warm atmosphere of our hotel, we will learn more about the Power of Nature and its Spirits: Inti, Killa, Apu, Mallki, and Kakia.

September 21, Aguas Calientes/Machu Picchu: While all the visiting tourists are still sleeping, we will return to Machu Picchu for our journey into the Andes Cosmology and Sunrise Ceremony at the Temple of the Three Windows. At Intihuatana ("the Astronomical Observatory"), the highest point of Machu Picchu, a cosmic meditation to connect with our space brothers and sisters will be held. Afterwards we will complete today's journey, still exploring the male side of the City: the Temple of the Sun (fire), The Royal Tomb (earth), The Fountains Temple (water), and The House of the Caretaker (wind). After a break for lunch, a free afternoon will be offered. It will be an opportunity to return to Machu Picchu and meditate alone, connecting with spirits and hearing the voices of the Apus, the Stones, and the Ancestors. In the late afternoon, we will return to our hotel. The teaching for tonight will be how the Inkas perceived the Evolution of God's creation, the Moral Principals, and the foundation of the Kamaq, Q'apaq, and Willkaq.

September 22, Aguas Calientes/Machu Picchu: Today we will experience the female side of Machu Picchu. The Condor Temple, the House of the Chosen Women, and the Mother Earth Temple will be the sites where we will receive the female nurturing energy, as we come to our own sacred space and connect with the beauty within. At the Temple of Mother Earth, we will experience another Inkan Ritual: the Situa Ritual. The Situa Ritual is the process of cleansing and opening to the flow of energies, as well as a moment to give thanks to the Andes Gods and Goddesses. Then we will break for lunch, and again a free afternoon will be offered. It will be another opportunity to return to Machu Picchu and meditate alone. At night Machu Picchu comes alive; it is when the Spirits of the Mountains, Stars, Moon, Priests, and Priestesses of Machu Picchu enjoy the solitude and peace of this Sacred Sanctuary. After the other visitors have departed, we will ask permission of the spiritual guides of Machu Picchu to allow us to return. We will pay our respect with an Apacheqta ("Offering to Mother Earth and Divine Entities"). During the Ritual, we will have a chance to give thanks for all of the wonderful gifts we have received during our stay and say our goodbyes. Tonight we are also celebrating the Spring Equinox

September 23, Aguas Calientes/Cusco: This morning Waranka will guide an ceremony in the Aguas Calientes Mineral Bath which will connect us with the spirits of the spring waters. An afternoon train from Aguas Calientes will take us to Cusco.

September 24, Cusco: Free morning, in the afternoon we will visit a special site where the Ruruwinaq Ceremony ("Make the Fruits to Grow") will be held. Here we will seal our sacred journey, knowing that we have just taken the first steps in the Inti äan ("Road of the Sun"). A group celebration will be conducted in a traditional restaurant where we can enjoy the typical dances and music that Peru offers. It is the perfect setting for our Special Farewell Dinner.

September 25, Cusco/Lima/Miami: We will catch our return flight to Lima, and next our return flight home. Welcome home after a wonderful journey!

Optional to Lake Titicaca
from September 25 to September 28, 1996.

September 25, Cusco/Puno: In the morning, we will catch our flight to Juliaca, the closest airport to Puno City. Puno is set in the extensive Callao Altiplano, the high plateau shared by Peru and Bolivia on the shores of Lake Titicaca, an immense inland sea. Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world and the largest at over two thousand meters. The lake connects us to one of the most powerful feminine energies of our Mother Earth. It is believed by the natives that the lake was the place where the holy couple, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, emerged from its waters and gave birth to the Andes Civilizations. Today many spiritual people connect with this Sacred Lake and use its power and energy to raise their vibration and balance their Feminine and Masculine Energies. It is also believed that Titicaca is a doorway for our Space Brothers and Sisters in their spacecraft (UFOs) to enter the inner world and exchange knowledge with an underwater civilization.

Today we will experience a special place near Puno City, the "Dimensional Door of Lord Aramu Muru (God Meru)". Those who have read the book 'Secret of the Andes' will be familiar with this entity. Lord Muru was one of the great Lemurian sages and the keeper of the scrolls during the last doomed days of Mu. We will visit and meditate in the place where Lord Muru was last seen in this dimension -- a really powerful experience. Our next stop will be in the Temple of the Fertility, where we will meditate and give thanks for our holy journey and ask for prosperity and abundance in our lives as well as for blessings from the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays.

September 26, Puno/Uros/Amantani/Puno: After breakfast, a boat will take us to the floating reed Island of Uros. This island is the home of the Aymaras, ancient islanders who, due to their singularity, arouse a great deal of curiosity. They use totora reeds to build their huts and rafts and fish with rudimentary nets for survival. For the last decades they have also sold handmade crafts made by women and children. They are quiet people, but allow us to visit their homes, share our love, and learn their simple ways. Our next stop will be the ancient Island of Amantani, also known as the Island of Love, where we will enjoy a splendid view and interact with the local natives, who have preserved the customs of their ancestors through all these years. A native shaman will hold an Offering Ritual to the PACHA TATA, the energy and beings of/within the Mountains.

September 27, Puno/Lima: We will catch our return flight to Lima. A free afternoon will be offered. A farewell dinner will be held.

September 28, Lima/Miami: Our return flight home will leave Peru at 8:30 a.m. and we will arrive in Miami at 4:30 p.m. EST.

Welcome Home After A Wonderful Journey!!!

VJ Enterprises

Attn: Vera Lopez Shapiro
9324 Home Court
Des Plaines, IL 60016 (USA)

Phone/Fax: (847) 699-9701

This page was designed exclusively for VJ Enterprises by Don Bright ©1996 A Bright Design